Mary Liz Kehler, Director, Washington, DC, Fundacion Paraguaya (CGI 2010)
Fundacion Paraguaya is a leading edge social enterprise that seeks to develop innovative solutions to poverty and unemployment and proactively disseminate them throughout the world. Fundacion Paraguaya promotes entrepreneurship, enabling people of limited resources to create jobs and increase their family income.
The organization strives to discover and promote new methodologies to provide people of limited means with the tools necessary to achieve economic success; expand its microfinance program to reach more entrepreneurs of limited resources; increase the reach of its education program on entrepreneurship for children and young people; achieve financial self-sufficiency at its Agriculture High School; and to spread the self-sufficiency model by disseminating and replicating it throughout the world in collaboration with TeachAManToFish.
The Fundacion Paraguaya’s success in managing its triple bottom line of sustainable development — economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental quality is based on the fact that its programs are self-funding, ensuring future continuity, sustaining growth, and offering the independence to innovate. Local and international partnerships keep its techniques cutting-edge, and help leverage our impact.