Susan Davis, BRAC USA (CGI 2010)
BRAC is a development organization dedicated to alleviating poverty by empowering the poor to bring about change in their own lives. We were founded in Bangladesh in 1972 and over the course of our evolution, established ourselves as a pioneer in recognizing and tackling the many different realities of poverty.
BRAC USA shares the same mission and vision as BRAC: A world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential. Our mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice.
Our vision of success is to foster a better world by increasing BRAC’s visibility as a development success story, harnessing the power of its friends and ensuring support for a growing number of BRAC organizations around the world to unleash the potential of millions of poor households to create better futures for themselves and their communities. We do this through :
Public Education
We tell the BRAC story in the United States and beyond through social and traditional media, speaking engagements and word of mouth. We engage interns, volunteers and friends of BRAC to act as ambassadors of our work, telling the story of BRAC’s success in their own communities to mobilize support. We join and launch education campaigns and advocate for better international development, human rights and environment policies.
Strategic and Program Services
We help BRAC to pilot, grow and innovate microfinance, health, education, livelihood development and other programs by: enabling access to capital and other resources, providing technical assistance and program design support, setting up internal systems and processes for successful implementation and monitoring, and communicating outcomes with investors, donors and stakeholders.
BRAC USA performs these activities with the support of its staff members, interns, external consultants and a dedicated group of talented volunteers.