Vivian Onano, Global Give Back Circle (CGI 2010)
To harness the talents of women globally to transition disadvantaged girls out of the circle of poverty and into a circle of social participation, contribution, fulfillment and independence.
Through the institutionalization of a sustainable Give Back Ethos that links the giving of ‘one-to-one mentorship’ and ‘financial help’ from one generation to the next, through each receiver’s personal commitment to Giving Back.
Girls committed to making the journey to high school graduation; girls who will return to the circle of poverty after graduation, unless intervention provides them with the tertiary education they need to claim independence and live fulfilled lives.
A Mentoring Model supports a Five-Phase Transitioning Process that integrates the support and talents of global and local institutions, communities and resources.
Modern Communication technology is leveraged to enable strong one-to-one relationships, across towns and borders, whereby personal engagement erases ignorance, fosters understanding and allows anyone to participate as a global citizen.
Based on the principles and values of Giving Back and designed to connect the resources available through global reach with the implementation capabilities only realized through community alignment and involvement. Our global team of mentors work closely with our local team of mentors to ensure the GGBC is embedded at a local level and becomes part of the local culture. The Global Give Bank Circle is incorporated in the state of Texas, maintains a US Tax Identification Number and is in the final stages of receiving 501 (c) (3) IRS tax exempt status.
Our mission is to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This drives our business and guides our corporate citizenship work. As the world’s largest software company, we help create social and economic opportunities wherever we work, live, and do business. Our technology innovations, our people, our partnerships, and our day-to-day business make a meaningful contribution to the prosperity of communities and the sustainability of the planet.