Suzanne Frindt
Suzanne Mayo Frindt, President of The Hunger Project, describes a multi-pronged approach to solving hunger and poverty.
Suzanne Mayo Frindt, President of The Hunger Project, describes a multi-pronged approach to solving hunger and poverty.
One of planet Earth’s largest humanitarian organizations is World Vision and its 40,000+ employees. Rich Stearns, CEO, describes providing sanitation, comfort for refugees and saving childrens’ lives.
Neal Keny-Guyer, Mercy Corps CEO, discussed global humanitarian work. He emphasized work to overcome conflict caused extreme poverty.
David Owens from World Vision describes how one of Earth’s largest NGOs works to help people overcome horrendous challenges. From famine in Africa to war in Syria to natural disasters in the US, World Vision works locally to address problems.
Mark Ferdig of Mercy Corps describes working in the most difficult challenges a nonprofit can have.
Tom Douglas, Iron Chef winner and James Beard Foundation Best Restaurateur, discusses social responsibility and food.