Former Washington State Transportation Secretary Doug MacDonald on ST3
Sound Transit 3: $54 billion and costs don’t match benefits until 2071?
Sound Transit 3: $54 billion and costs don’t match benefits until 2071?
The drug trade is great for America!
“What?” you say. This is about the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Because of the US presidential election, you’ve likely heard of it. Like other trade deals, you think it doesn’t matter to you and it’s not important to your daily life.
GMO Labeling Now Law! Oh, wait, that’s not what it says.
On July 29, President Obama signed a GMO Labeling Law. Except, no GMO labeling is likely to take place under the “Denying Americans the Right to Know” law.
It’s time to dump the debates. We can do better.
In late September or early October, the spectacle starts.
You know how it will be. There will be boxing match music and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will walk on stage from opposite sides.
What if Oswald had missed? The world would be very different.
Anyone who was at least 5 years old in November 1963 remembers where they were when President Kennedy was assassinated.
BRAIN HEALTH: Amen Clinic’s Dr. Kabran Chapek discusses brain scans, foods that feed the brain, and how to improve your brain health for the long term. Plus, he describes the latest on treatment of Alzheimer’s.
“Millennials are great!” says Steve Gandara, business performance expert. Gandara adds that “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and discusses how today’s employers are changing to fit today’s consumers.